Definition: (adjective) Characterized by the repetition of the same sense in different words. Synonyms: redundant, tautological. Usage: "A true fact" and "a free gift" are pleonastic expressions. Discuss
Frase celebre di Samantha Cristoforetti
«La Stazione spaziale è un esempio davvero luminoso di come le differenze internazionali passino assolutamente in secondo piano quando si ha un obiettivo grande, una passione comune.» (Samantha Cristoforetti)
O, wie der Falschheit Außenseite glänzt!
William Shakespeare(1564 – 1616), englischer Dichter, Dramatiker, Schauspieler und Theaterleiter
Definition: (adjective) Of such fine texture as to be transparent or translucent. Synonyms: filmy, gauzy, sheer, vaporous. Usage: She wore a hat with a diaphanous veil that did not obscure her features. Discuss
noun: A process of modernization or bringing up to date.
Aforisma di Samantha Cristoforetti
«La Stazione spaziale è un esempio davvero luminoso di come le differenze internazionali passino assolutamente in secondo piano quando si ha un obiettivo grande, una passione comune.»
Alte Männer beschließen Kriege. Junge Männer führen sie. Wessen Schuld ist wohl größer?
Thomas S. Lutter(*1962), Lyriker und Musiker
Definition: (adjective) Highly influential in an original way; constituting or providing a basis for further development. Synonyms: germinal, originative. Usage: He prepared a speech describing his experiment, never realizing that his presentation would be the seminal event in the development of a new theory. Discuss
noun: The retention of dead leaves, etc., as opposed to shedding.
Bürokratie wächst in dem Maße, wie Vertrauen schwindet.
Bernhard Krätzig(*1965), Architekt, Renaissance-Fan, Aphoristiker
Definition: (noun) A short heavy stick. Synonyms: bastinado, club. Usage: She woke up with her head hurting as though it had been hit with a cudgel. Discuss
noun: Yesterday evening. adverb: During yesterday evening.
Frase celebre di Matteo Maffucci
«So che prima o poi passerà stasera | e che tutto ritornerà com'era | sarebbe bello durasse almeno mezz'ora | comunque andrà dovrà tornare | com'era.» (Zero Assoluto)
Die Meinung der Welt betrifft mich nicht. Als die wahren Werte habe ich für mein Leben dasjenige bestimmt, was nach meinem Tod folgt.
Nikola Tesla(1856 – 1943), serbischer Elektroingenieur, Physiker und Erfinder; erfand und entwickelte ein System zur elektrischen Energieübertragung durch Zweiphasenwechselstrom
Definition: (adjective) Intended to attract notice and impress others. Synonyms: pretentious, showy. Usage: His ostentatious displays of wealth did nothing to impress his neighbors, who were proud of their middle-class status. Discuss
Definition: (noun) Insincere or grossly sentimental pathos. Synonyms: mawkishness. Usage: The opera's conclusion was emotional to the point of bathos, with the soprano dying heroically to save her lover. Discuss
noun: 1. An obsession with typography. 2. An obsession with typology or symbolism. 3. An obsession with getting published.
Ja sagen hilft Anderen, nein sagen dir selbst.
Alexander Schübert(*1958), Ingenieur und Autor
Lieber Sonntag, sei uns freundlich Nach der grauen, langen Woche! Zart mit goldnem Sonnenfinger Morgens mir ans Fenster poche.
Anna Dix(1874 – 1947), deutsche Dichterin
Definition: (noun) A dabbler in an art or a field of knowledge. Synonyms: sciolist. Usage: He claimed to be serious about his paintings, but he was at heart a mere dilettante. Discuss
verb tr.: 1. To write by hand. 2. To autograph.
Viele Krankheiten gedeihen besser, wenn sie der Arzt bestätigt hat.
Kurt Haberstich(*1948), Schweizer Buchautor und Aphoristiker
Definition: (adjective) Of or associated with sacred persons or offices. Synonyms: priestly, sacerdotal. Usage: The laws did not apply to the hieratic class, whose members were held as nearly gods. Discuss
verb tr.: 1. To deceive or cheat. 2. To elude.
Frase celebre di Henryk Sienkiewicz
«La virtù è una musica e la vita del saggio un'armonia.» (Henryk Sienkiewicz)
Wenn ich täte, was ich spreche, stürb’ ich als ein Heiliger.
Saadi(um 1210 – 1292), auch Sadi, Moscharref od-Din ibn oder Mosleh od-Din, persischer Dichter, wandte sich nach Studien in Bagdad der Mystik zu, verfasste zwei didaktisch-ethische Meisterwerke, die die sozialen Verhältnisse der Zeit vor dem Hintergrund der Vergangenheit behandeln; bedeutende Liebesdichtung
Definition: (noun) A figure or design carved into or beneath the surface of hard metal or stone. Synonyms: diaglyph. Usage: The intaglio was so incredibly detailed that it almost looked like a photograph. Discuss
verb tr.: To impoverish or to make miserable.
verb tr.: To denounce, condemn, or curse.
Historiker sind die Pathologen der Weltgeschichte.
Günther Kraftschik(*1952), Berufsschuldirektor i. R., Dipl.-Päd.
Definition: (verb) To talk casually. Synonyms: chat, natter. Usage: Three old friends met in a café to confabulate together. Discuss
verb tr.: To mock or to parody.
Frase celebre di Bette Davis
«Se volete sapere davvero cosa voglia dire recitare non guardate film, ma andate piuttosto a qualche party a Hollywood.» (Bette Davis)
Das Fernsehen geht nach Einfaltquoten.
Ernst Reinhardt(*1932), Dr. phil., Schweizer Publizist und Aphoristiker
Definition: (noun) Division into two usually contradictory parts or opinions. Synonyms: duality. Usage: One of the novel's themes is the dichotomy of Eastern and Western culture. Discuss
Aforisma di Bette Davis
«Se volete sapere davvero cosa voglia dire recitare non guardate film, ma andate piuttosto a qualche party a Hollywood.»
Frase celebre di Bernadette di Lourdes
«Colui che ama, fa tutto senza fatica, oppure ama la sua fatica.» (Bernadette di Lourdes)
Definition: (noun) A particular manner of speaking. Synonyms: idiom. Usage: In vulgar parlance the condiments of a repast are called by the American "a relish," substituting the thing for its effect. Discuss
noun: A man of extraordinary strength or size.
Eine Hypothek wirft einen Schatten auf das sonnigste Feld.
Robert Green Ingersoll(1833 – 1899), Rechtsanwalt und Politiker sowie einer der führenden US-amerikanischen Redner, der als »der große Agnostiker« bekannt war; Vater der Frauenrechtlerin Eva Ingersoll Brown
Definition: (adjective) Everyday; commonplace. Synonyms: mundane, routine, workaday. Usage: There's nothing quite like a real train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute. Discuss
noun: A false story or slander, especially one spread for political purposes.
Aforisma di Pier Ferdinando Casini
«In politica quando non puoi fidarti della buona fede altrui, devi fidarti delle convenienze altrui.»
noun: A very rich person.
Zu wenige Menschen schauen lächelnd zurück.
Martin Gerhard Reisenberg(*1949), Diplom-Bibliothekar und Autor
Definition: (noun) Remains from which the substance or character is gone. Synonyms: remains, remnants. Usage: At one end of the camp lies the carcass of an aircraft which crashed in the mountains. Discuss
adjective: Relating to sleep or dreams.
Frase celebre di Sugar Ray Leonard
«Devi sapere che puoi vincere. Devi pensare che puoi vincere. Devi sentire che puoi vincere.» (Sugar Ray Leonard)
noun: Extreme or absolute skepticism.
Frase celebre di Rosa Parks
«Nella mia vita c’erano state alcune, poche occasioni in cui i bianchi mi avevano trattato come una persona qualsiasi, quindi sapevo come ci si sentiva. Era tempo che altri bianchi cominciassero a trattarmi allo stesso modo.» (Rosa Parks)
Aforisma di Pietro Metastasio
«Voce dal sen fuggita poi richiamar non vale: non si trattien lo strale, quando dall'arco uscì.»
Du mußt den Brunnen graben, bevor du Durst hast.
Deutsches Sprichwort
Definition: (noun) The remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up. Synonyms: debris, rubble. Usage: The streets of the new town were built over the detritus of past habitations. Discuss
Frase celebre di Piero Chiambretti
«Comunque vada, sarà un successo!» (Piero Chiambretti)
Aforisma di Rosa Parks
«Nella mia vita c’erano state alcune, poche occasioni in cui i bianchi mi avevano trattato come una persona qualsiasi, quindi sapevo come ci si sentiva. Era tempo che altri bianchi cominciassero a trattarmi allo stesso modo.»
»Unmöglich« heißt nur, daß man die Lösung noch nicht gefunden hat.
Definition: (adjective) Of foremost importance; paramount. Synonyms: fundamental, central, primal. Usage: The cardinal rule of membership in the secret society was never to reveal its existence to outsiders. Discuss
Frase celebre di Roberto Cotroneo
«Oggi vivo di insonnia e di nostalgie. Specie nei giorni che precedono la primavera, nei giorni di vento, sono preda di rimpianti a cui non so dare un nome. » (Roberto Cotroneo)
boiling point
noun: 1. The point at which a situation turns into a crisis. 2. The point at which one loses one’s temper. 3. The temperature at which a liquid boils.
Frase celebre di Marsilio Ficino
«L’uomo è il più disgraziato degli animali: insieme alla imbecillitas corporis, comune a tutti i viventi, possiede anche la inquietudo animi, ovvero la consapevolezza di dover muorire.» (Marsilio Ficino)
Ohne das menschliche Bedürfnis, an irgendetwas zu glauben, wäre der Welt Vieles erspart geblieben.
Stefan Rogal(*1965), Autor, Herausgeber und Kolumnist
Definition: (verb) To waste away; wither or deteriorate. Synonyms: shrivel, weaken. Usage: She had not painted in many years, and she was worried that her creativity had atrophied. Discuss
adjective: Cheap and showy. noun: A white crystalline compound, also known as sodium borate, used in manufacturing, cleaning, etc.
Frase celebre di Sean Penn
«Se ci sono troppe persone come te, stai facendo qualcosa di sbagliato.» (Sean Penn)
Aforisma di Marsilio Ficino
«L’uomo è il più disgraziato degli animali: insieme alla imbecillitas corporis, comune a tutti i viventi, possiede anche la inquietudo animi, ovvero la consapevolezza di dover muorire.»
Die meisten Holzwege sehen anfangs wie Abkürzungen aus.
Hans-Jürgen Quadbeck-Seeger(*1939), Prof. Dr., deutscher Chemiker, Mitglied der Enquête-Kommission für Gentechnik des Deutschen Bundestages, wurde für sein Engagement mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz ausgezeichnet
Definition: (noun) A damage or loss. Synonyms: hurt. Usage: Her employers were understanding, and she was able to take a long leave of absence without detriment to her career. Discuss
Aforisma di Sean Penn
«Se ci sono troppe persone come te, stai facendo qualcosa di sbagliato.»
noun: 1. A point at which a situation turns critical, for example, resulting in violence. 2. A location or situation where conflict, violence, etc., flare up. 3. The lowest temperature at which a substance’s vapors ignite in the presence of an ignition source.
Moral soll Leben voran und nicht in die Enge treiben.
Andreas Bechstein(*1984), Gelegenheitsaphoristiker
Definition: (adverb) To or toward that place; in that direction. Synonyms: there. Usage: Let us stroll thither, and examine the matter nearer. Discuss
litmus test
noun: 1. A test in which a single indicator prompts the decision. 2. A test to determine if a solution is acidic or alkaline.
Die einzigen, die heute noch im Öl schwimmen, sind die Strandurlauber.
Gerhard Uhlenbruck(*1929), deutscher Immunbiologe und Aphoristiker
Definition: (noun) A playful leap or hop. Synonyms: capriole. Usage: The child's playfulness was amusing at first, but they soon grew tired of his capers. Discuss
Garry Marshall
“It’s always helpful to learn from your mistakes because then your mistakes seem worthwhile.”
Was Despoten am meisten fürchten, ist radikale Transparenz.
Erwin Koch(*1932), deutscher Aphoristiker
Definition: (noun) An unforeseen event that disrupts the normal course of things; an inopportune occurrence. Synonyms: mishap, predicament, calamity. Usage: His cross-country tour had its full share of comic contretemps. Discuss
Frase celebre di Fabri Fibra
«Ho sognato di condurre Striscia la Notizia | Con Noemi Letizia fatta a pezzi in una borsa di Krizia | Fossi una donna ero Patrizia, escort | Davo il culo per un posto in tv o un pezzo di pizza.» (Fabri Fibra)
Von der Zukunft erleben wir nur einen ganz winzigen Teil.
Walter Ludin(*1945), Schweizer Journalist, Redakteur, Aphoristiker und Buchautor, Mitglied des franziskanischen Ordens der Kapuziner
Definition: (adjective) Very cold; icy. Synonyms: arctic, frigid, glacial, polar. Usage: After only a few minutes in the gelid wind, they were shivering too hard to speak. Discuss
noun: A formal ceremony in which someone is given an official title, rank, honors, etc.
Frase celebre di Ettore Mo
«Non c'è niente di più di una guerra per raccontare il dolore e la crudeltà del genere umano. Nella guerra succede davvero di tutto, tutta la natura umana si rivela. Buona o cattiva che sia.» (Ettore Mo)
verb tr.: 1. To cover a wall, embankment, etc., with masonry or other supporting material. 2. To recheck or reexamine.
Aforisma di Ettore Mo
«Non c'è niente di più di una guerra per raccontare il dolore e la crudeltà del genere umano. Nella guerra succede davvero di tutto, tutta la natura umana si rivela. Buona o cattiva che sia.»
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