Helga Schäferling(*1957), deutsche Sozialpädagogin
Definition: (adjective) Being an imitation or a substitute, usually an inferior one; artificial. Synonyms: imitation. Usage: He was fairly sure that no coffee beans had been involved in its production, but he was tired enough to drink the ersatz coffee anyway. Discuss
noun: 1. Injustice (a shortened usage of “travesty of justice”). 2. Mockery; a debased or grotesque imitation. verb tr.: 1. To represent in a false or absurd manner. 2. To caricature or parody.
Hat der Bauer Geld, hat’s die ganze Welt.
Deutsches Sprichwort
Definition: (noun) An unbroken view of an entire surrounding area. Synonyms: vista. Usage: The panorama from the summit, with glistening lakes and green forests in every direction, is unmatched in the east. Discuss
verb tr.: 1. To remove, give up, or sell off. 2. To take away or deprive. 3. To strip of clothing, ornament, etc.
Frase celebre di Gianrico Carofiglio
«Come diceva la filosofa Rosa Luxemburg: dare il giusto nome alle cose è un atto rivoluzionario.» (Gianrico Carofiglio)
Es ist tragisch, dass die seelenlos gewordene Welt ihre Verödung nicht fühlte, bis der Krieg wie ein Blitz in das Elend zündete.
Jakob Bosshart(1862 – 1924), Schweizer Schriftsteller und Philologe
Definition: (noun) Mental responsiveness; discernment; awareness. Synonyms: aesthesia. Usage: After nine months in a coma, the patient began to exhibit sensibility. Discuss
verb tr.: To remove from a position of authority, privilege, etc.
Frase celebre di Lady Gaga
«Sono molto concentrata sul lavoro. Io creo in continuazione. Sono una ragazza molto occupata. Vivo e respiro il mio lavoro. Amo quello che faccio. Credo nel messaggio che mando. Non conosco soste. Non ho creato la fama, la fama ha creato me.» (Lady Gaga)
Nicht wo Wahlen stattfinden, sondern erst wo Abwahlen möglich sind, ist wirkliche Demokratie.
Ernst Reinhardt(*1932), Dr. phil., Schweizer Publizist und Aphoristiker
Definition: (noun) A small thin piece of metal, plastic, bone, or similar material, used to pluck the strings of certain instruments, such as the guitar or lute. Synonyms: pick. Usage: When he first struck the guitar's strings with his plectrum, we knew we were in for a great performance. Discuss
Frase celebre di Enzo Iacchetti
«Lei gli diceva: "Se tu m'amassi…". Poi gli scriveva: "Se tu m'amassi…". Gli sussurrava: "Se tu m'amassi…". Lui le rispose: "Ma no che non t'amasso!".» (Enzo Iacchetti)
Kurz nach dem Neandertaler scheint der Normalmensch ausgestorben zu sein.
Martin Gerhard Reisenberg(*1949), Diplom-Bibliothekar und Autor
Definition: (adjective) Mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially to an exaggerated or ludicrous degree. Synonyms: dreary, woeful, morose, funereal, doleful. Usage: He was so lugubrious that he could find melancholy in a child's birthday party. Discuss
Frase celebre di Federica Bosco
«Quando il cervello subisce un forte trauma psicologico, entra in uno stato di stress molto intenso e crea dei meccanismi di difesa per garantirsi la sopravvivenza e contenere il dolore. Uno di questi meccanismi è la dissociazione: il cervello finge che quell’esperienza non gli sia mai capitata e cerca di negarla, di dimenticarla, di nascondere…
Gute Werke haben keinen Namen.
Martin Luther(1483 – 1546), deutscher Theologe und Reformator
Definition: (noun) One that serves as a pattern or model. Synonyms: epitome, prototype. Usage: Their company is a paradigm of the small high-tech firms that have recently sprung up in this area. Discuss
verb intr.: To laugh in a derisive manner. noun: A mocking look.
Frei atmen macht das Leben nicht allein.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(1749 – 1832), gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Repräsentanten deutschsprachiger Dichtung
verb intr.: To quibble. noun: A subtlety or quibble.
Definition: (verb) To use evasions or ambiguities; to change sides. Synonyms: equivocate, prevaricate, palter. Usage: She refused to tergiversate on the subject, stating her opinion concisely and openly. Discuss
Aforisma di Alberto Angela
«La cultura è il miglior antidoto contro la tirannia… specialmente in tempo di guerra, con la conoscenza si riesce a ragionare e a frenare le brutture della storia.»
Warum müssen immer Juristen und nie Kenner des Lebens die Geschicke der Völker lenken?
Carl Ludwig Schleich(1859 – 1922), deutscher Arzt, Erfinder der Anästhesie und Schriftsteller
Definition: (noun) The predominant influence, as of a state, region, or group, over another or others. Synonyms: domination. Usage: Many great works of art were created during the hegemony of Athens in Greece. Discuss
Realität: Start- und Landeplatz fliegender Teppiche.
KarlHeinz Karius(*1935), Urheber, Mensch und Werbeberater
Definition: (adjective) Tapering from a rounded base toward an apex. Synonyms: lancelike. Usage: The bush had lanceolate leaves with sharp tips that could sting unwary passersby. Discuss
Frase celebre di Ban Ki-moon
«I diritti umani e soprattutto la loro violazione, devono stringere il mondo intero nella solidarietà.» (Ban Ki-moon)
verb intr.: 1. To go to or live in the country. 2. To live or spend time in seclusion. verb tr.: 1. To send to the country. 2. To suspend (a student) from a university as a punishment. 3. To make rustic or rural. 4. To make something, such as a masonry surface, rough, textured,…
Jede Generation glaubt, sie sei die letzte mit Anstand – und alle hatten recht.
Hans-Jürgen Quadbeck-Seeger(*1939), Prof. Dr., deutscher Chemiker, Mitglied der Enquête-Kommission für Gentechnik des Deutschen Bundestages, wurde für sein Engagement mit dem Bundesverdienstkreuz ausgezeichnet
Definition: (noun) A hawker of quack medicines who attracts customers with stories, jokes, or tricks. Synonyms: charlatan. Usage: Walking down the street, they saw a mountebank beguiling his audience with tales of miracles achieved through his remedies. Discuss
Frase celebre di Dwight Eisenhower
«L'unica possibilità di vincere la Terza Guerra Mondiale è quella di prevenirla.» (Dwight Eisenhower)
Aforisma di Ban Ki-moon
«I diritti umani e soprattutto la loro violazione, devono stringere il mondo intero nella solidarietà.»
Landnahme ist der Urquell menschlicher Katastrophen.
Erwin Koch(*1932), deutscher Aphoristiker
Definition: (noun) A person wearing ragged or tattered clothing. Synonyms: ragamuffin. Usage: It was a crew of tatterdemalions that limped and straggled and wandered back into Barnesdale that day. Discuss
Frase celebre di Alessandro Orsini
«Gli italiani invecchiano e non fanno figli, hanno un'economia che versa in condizioni drammatiche, un debito pubblico esorbitante e non investono nell’esercito. Come se non bastasse, la fine della Guerra fredda ha privato l’Italia del ruolo importantissimo che un tempo svolgeva in seno alla Nato grazie al suo territorio proteso nel Mediterraneo.» (Alessandro Orsini)
Keiner prahlt damit, was er gelernt, aber jeder damit, was er ausgegeben hat.
Hugo von Sankt Viktor(um 1097 – 1141), christlicher Theologe des Mittelalters
Definition: (noun) A large leather suitcase that opens into two hinged compartments. Synonyms: Gladstone. Usage: With both sides stuffed to capacity, he needed to sit on top of the portmanteau in order to close it. Discuss
noun: 1. A mole (the animal). 2. A cyst.
Früher waren die Telefone angebunden und wir waren frei, heute sind die Telefone frei und wir sind angebunden.
Peter Adrian Zirn(*1952), Pensionist und Fotograf
Definition: (noun) A person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-discipline, especially as an act of religious devotion. Synonyms: abstainer. Usage: His rough clothes and starved frame gave him the look of an ascetic, and he refused the food they tried to give him. Discuss
Aforisma di Joni Mitchell
«Quando il mondo diventa un pasticcio enorme con nessuno al timone, è il momento per gli artisti di lasciare il segno.»
noun: A short wooden match.
Wir sollten Teile von Behörden für ein Jahr schließen und hinterher fragen, ob es irgend jemand gemerkt hat.
Timm BächleBankkaufmann
Definition: (verb) To make (something burdensome or painful) less intense or severe. Synonyms: alleviate, relieve, palliate. Usage: Food, however, became scarce, and I often spent the whole day searching in vain for a few acorns to assuage the pangs of hunger. Discuss
Frase celebre di Dario Fabbri
«L’Europa non è un soggetto, è un oggetto, in quanto non esiste una nazione europea. Le nazioni sono un’altra cosa. Esiste una sorta di volontà di non farsi troppo male tra i popoli europei. Fortunatamente abbiamo imparato a convivere senza amarci, ma oramai il passo verso una collaborazione sembra sempre più lontano. Queste generazioni e…
Aforisma di Maria Montessori
«Tutti parlano di pace ma nessuno educa alla pace. A questo mondo, si educa per la competizione, e la competizione è l'inizio di ogni guerra. Quando si educherà per la cooperazione e per offrirci l'un l'altro solidarietà, quel giorno si starà educando per la pace.»
noun: A cave, cavern, cavity, etc.
Wir Menschen denken in Kategorien. Das Konkrete verachten wir. Es hindert uns beim schnellen Meinen.
Roland Morgenstern(*1938), Werkzeugmacher und Maschinenbau-Ingenieur. Mitglied des Schreiber-Netzwerks.
Definition: (noun) Crudely or irregularly fashioned verse, often of a humorous or burlesque nature. Synonyms: jingle. Usage: I want the man I love and honor to be something finer and higher than a perpetrator of jokes and doggerel. Discuss
James Rippe
“Exercise alone provides psychological and physical benefits. However, if you also adopt a strategy that engages your mind while you exercise, you can get a whole host of psychological benefits fairly quickly.”
Der Despot sagte: “Die Mehrheit ist gegen Demokratie.” Und die Aufständischen beruhigten sich wieder.
Definition: (noun) Grandiloquent, pompous speech or writing. Synonyms: claptrap, fustian. Usage: He found that he could look back upon the brass and bombast of his earlier gospels and see them truly. Discuss
Dinah Shore
“Trouble is part of your life, and if you don’t share it, you don’t give the person who loves you a chance to love you enough.”
Wie wäre es mit einem neuen Begriff: Humanitätsschurkerei?
Gerhart Hauptmann(1862 – 1946), deutscher Schriftsteller und Dramatiker, Nobelpreisträger für Literatur 1912
Definition: (verb) To buoy up or hearten. Synonyms: boost. Usage: Visitors bolstered the patient's morale. Discuss
Frase celebre di Valerio Massimo Manfredi
«Non ho mai conosciuto una guerra che non fosse maledetta, che non portasse lutti e dolori senza fine. » (Valerio Massimo Manfredi)
adjective: Terrible; repulsive. noun: Any of various corals having a hard, treelike skeleton.
Wer bei seiner Lebensplanung auf die Zukunft setzt, sollte bedenken, daß es keinesfalls sicher ist, daß er eine hat.
Prof. Querulix(*1946), deutscher Aphoristiker und Satiriker
Definition: (noun) Defiant or swaggering behavior. Synonyms: bluster. Usage: In a moment it was hand-to-hand fighting, and Trent was cursing already the bravado which had brought him out to the open. Discuss
Frase celebre di Volodymyr Zelensky
«Non abbiamo paura. Abbiamo già dimostrato al mondo che sappiamo difenderci. Ma siccome parlate di paura, ho una cosa da dirvi: non siamo noi a doverci sentire intimoriti, bensì i politici di tutto il mondo. Voglio dire, tutti coloro che oggi guardano all’Ucraina e si chiedono: anche il mio Paese rischia l’invasione? Quello che la…
Aforisma di Valerio Massimo Manfredi
«Non ho mai conosciuto una guerra che non fosse maledetta, che non portasse lutti e dolori senza fine. »
adjective: 1. Relating to volcanoes. 2. Fiery; explosive; full of anger, energy, etc.
Der Umweltschutz hat große Fortschritte gemacht. Viele sehen jetzt schon, was ihre Nachbarn falsch machen.
Peter Hohl(*1941), deutscher Journalist und Verleger, Redakteur, Moderator und Aphoristiker
Definition: (adjective) Attracting attention in a vulgar manner. Synonyms: flashy, garish, gaudy, tawdry, trashy, tacky. Usage: The town's tasteful welcome sign was replaced with a meretricious monstrosity, a blinking neon tower. Discuss
noun: 1. A sudden violent gust of wind, typically accompanied by rain, snow, or sleet. Also known as a squall. 2. A bad spell; something unproductive, especially a mine (the opposite of bonanza).
Dialog muss mehr sein als ein Austauschen von Vorurteilen.
Timo Krall(*1988), Student Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik
adjective: 1. Of great power, strength, size, etc. 2. Relating to or made of the element titanium.
Definition: (adjective) Of a healthy reddish color. Synonyms: rubicund, ruddy. Usage: He had a sanguine complexion that was matched by his cheerful outlook. Discuss
noun: Something, such as a food or drug, that increases sexual desire. adjective: Arousing sexual desire.
Jede Gesellschaft muss mit den Dummen umgehen, die sie hervorbringt.
Stefan Rogal(*1965), Autor, Herausgeber und Kolumnist
Definition: (verb) To give notice to; inform. Synonyms: notify, advise. Usage: During the drive home from the airport, they had time to apprise her of everything that had changed since she had been gone. Discuss
Die bedauernswertesten Menschen sind die, die Pflichtgefühl besitzen, aber nicht die Kraft, ihm zu genügen.
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach(1830 – 1916), Marie Freifrau Ebner von Eschenbach, österreichische Erzählerin, Novellistin und Aphoristikerin
Definition: (adjective) Being at once opportune and to the point. Synonyms: relevant, timely. Usage: His book about safe investment, published right before the stock market crash, was more apropos than he expected. Discuss
Glücksbringer sind Gegenstände, die man sonst wegwerfen würde.
Erhard Horst Bellermann(*1937), deutscher Bauingenieur, Dichter und Aphoristiker
Definition: (adjective) Causing harm, ruin, or death; harmful. Synonyms: pernicious, pestilent, deadly. Usage: He instructed him in the poisonous qualities of arsenic, and furnished him with an ample supply of that baneful drug. Discuss
Aforisma di Eschilo
«In guerra, la verità è la prima vittima.»
noun: 1. The act of guiding, leading, or introducing. 2. Something that guides, leads, or introduces.
Lieber die Fahne vom Sturm zerfetzen lassen, als sie nach dem Winde drehen!
Guido Peters(1866 – 1937), österreichischer Komponist und Pianist
Definition: (adjective) Marked by a disposition to find and point out trivial faults. Synonyms: faultfinding. Usage: She found the new professor to be captious, marking all the grammatical errors in her essays while ignoring the points she had tried to make. Discuss
adjective: 1. Clumsy; awkward. 2. Left-handed.
Definition: (noun) A deliberately offensive act or something producing the effect of deliberate disrespect. Synonyms: insult. Usage: Your deliberate implication that I stole the money is an affront to my character. Discuss
Frase celebre di Mikhail Gorbaciov
«Sono un sostenitore della libertà di scelta, di religione, di parola. Sempre e comunque libertà. Piuttosto sparatemi, ma alla libertà non volto le spalle.» (Mikhail Gorbaciov)
Es gibt drei Arten von Menschen: Selbstleuchter, Reflektierende und Dunkle.
Paul Nikolaus Cossmann(1869 – 1942), deutscher politischer Schriftsteller und Redakteur
Definition: (noun) Foolhardy disregard of danger; recklessness. Synonyms: audaciousness, audacity. Usage: Everyone was shocked at her temerity in addressing the king in such a manner. Discuss
adjective: 1. Tough; aggressive. 2. Energetic; enthusiastic. 3. Using both hands.
Definition: (noun) Anything that precedes something similar in time. Synonyms: forerunner. Usage: This era is one of heedless consumption, but perhaps you can blame that on its antecedent. Discuss
Frase celebre di Dino Zoff
«Ho giocato a calcio per quarant'anni, di cui undici di fila, senza riposarmi mai, nemmeno per una domenica, nemmeno con la febbre e con gli acciacchi. Quarant'anni trascorsi con la faccia affondata nell'erba, o nel fango, o sulle righe di gesso dell'area di rigore, con gente pronta a staccarti la testa pur di arrivare un…
Aforisma di Papa Pio XII
«Nulla è perduto con la pace. Tutto può esserlo con la guerra. Ritornino gli uomini a comprendersi.»
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